OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore (2025)

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      Blog /OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore


      15.01.2025 - 01:59:00
      Game Guides , Runescape

      OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore (64)

      OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore (65)

      Onur Author

      Created - 15.01.2025 Updated - 16.01.2025

      138 0

      OSRS Varlamore is the newest continent that has been added to the game. Throughout the last year, Jagex made consistent updates to further expand the lore and the content of this new region, and very soon this expansion will be completed. In their most recent blog post, Jagex announced Varlamore The Final Dawn, which will complete the region and its storyline. This brand-new expansion is coming out with some high-level content that will introduce brand new best in slots, the most important being the upgrade to the Mage Arena 2 cape. Without further ado let’s begin by breaking down what we know of this update as of now.

      Final Varlamore Quest

      OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore (66)

      As of writing this guide, there were no real spoilers for this quest. We know that this quest will complete the Twilight Emissaries quest line so if you haven’t done those quests already you might want to pick up the pace. Also, we know that this quest will be a master-tier one which means it will have some hefty skill requirements. After learning the mysteries of the history of Varlamore and their old ones we will be presented with an appropriate reward.

      Untradable Melee Weapon

      Jagex is suggesting an untradable new melee weapon for everyone who manages to complete this quest. This new melee weapon is almost on par with the dragon scimitar with having the following bonuses:

      • 55 Stab
      • 70 Slash
      • 64 Melee Strength
      • 1 Prayer
      • 4 Attack rate

      The dragon scimitar has slightly less accuracy and more strength bonus. Having prayer bonus in a melee weapon, however, is pretty rare aside from the maces so it is pretty interesting. This new weapon will also have a special attack which in our opinion makes it surpass the dragon scimitar.

      Special Attack

      The special attack of this weapon will consume 50% of your special attack energy and will perform an attack that has 50% increased accuracy and damage. If the hit is successful this weapon will also burn the target and all the targets near it for 10 damage over 24 seconds.

      This weapon will not be meta for high-level players but will be able to find its own niche for mid-level players, especially Ironman. The special attack especially can be used for a bunch of Slayer scenarios that takes place in multi-combat zones.

      Lastly, If the weapon is lost you can reclaim it for 75K.

      A Brand New Inferno, Doom of Mokhaiotl

      It is a tradition in OSRS to get your best-in-slot capes from a difficult challenge. Inferno provides the best-in-slot melee cape, colosseum provides the best-in-slot ranged cape, and now this brand new “Delve” boss will give the best-in-slot magic cape. This boss will be like an enraged boss, where the further you enrage the boss and risk your rewards the more rewards that you will be able to get. As with all best-in-slot content, this boss is strictly for the high-end players. Let's talk about this Delve mechanic:

      This boss will have an enraged level, you can think of it as the waves in the Colosseum. Once you defeat the boss, instead of dying it will retreat further down its lair. After each retreat you will get some tradable rewards just like the Colosseum, but you will also have the option to continue and chase after the boss. Each level will increase the bosses' difficulty and increase the quality of the rewards. Deeper levels will do the following:

      • Increases the attack rate of the boss
      • Faster special attacks
      • Arena status effects stacking up
      • Addition of more mechanics
      • Addition of more avoidable damaging effects and special attacks


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      New Best in Slot Boots and Magic Cape

      Avernic Treads

      These boots will probably be our best-in-slot boots for any combat style for the foreseeable future. These boots are created by combining the primordial, pegasian, and eternal boots with the brand new item the avernic catalyst. Doing so will create the ultimate hybrid boots which is perfect for inventory slot management in high-level PVM scenarios. The boots will have the following stats & requirements:

      • 80 Smithing to craft
      • 80 Ranged
      • 80 Defence
      • 80 Strength
      • 80 Magic
      • +2 in stab, slash, crush attack bonus
      • +8 Magic attack bonus
      • +12 Ranged attack bonus
      • +25 in stab, slash, crush defense bonus
      • +10 in magic and ranged defence bonus
      • +5 Melee strength
      • +1 Ranged strength
      • +1% Magic damage

      Eldritch Veil

      Just like the other combat-style cape slots, this one will also be an untradable upgrade and will be a guaranteed drop from delve level 8 of this boss. This cape will have a passive effect of having a flat minimum hit of 2. So any time you roll a successful attack your damage will roll between 2 and your max hit, which is a quite nice DPS increase. Here are also the stats of this new item:

      • +20 Magic attack bonus
      • +3% Magic damage
      • +1 Prayer bonus
      • Level 80 Magic is required to equip

      This item was originally pitched to be a tradable item with different stats and a direct upgrade to the Magic Arena 2 cape but unfortunately the community didn’t want that so they made it untradable and made it a stand-alone item.

      Diabolical Aegis

      This item is the brand new member that joins the demon-bane family. The purpose of this item is to fill the crush gap that the demon-bane weapons currently have. Also, the boss is a demon so it will be useful there as well. This item is a 2-handed one that hits twice. Unlike the demon bane weapons, this has the following unique special effects:

      • If you land a killing blow to a demon-type enemy, your attack delay will be reset. This makes it pretty useful in demon slayer tasks.
      • 25% demonbane.
      • 25% demonward which reduces the damage you take from demons. (poor K’rill)

      Here are the stats and requirements for this weapon:

      • Completion of the quest The Final Dawn
      • 70 Attack
      • 75 Strength
      • +55 on stab attack bonus
      • +95 on crush attack bonus
      • +65 on stab, slash, and crush defence bonus
      • -10 in magic defence bonus
      • +75 in ranged defence bonus
      • +75 in melee strength
      • 4-tick attack cycle

      New Prayer off-hand

      OSRS New Best in Slot Upgrades & Varlamore (67)

      After the completion of the new quest, you will have access to a brand new Slayer dungeon that houses a never-before-seen monster called the Custodia Stalkers. From these stalkers, you can get the new best-in-slot prayer off-hand which is the antler guard. This guard is created to fill the gap between a toktz shield and the dragon defender. It will have a level 50 Prayer requirement to equip. Its main use will be with a full set of prayer gear to AFK slayer monsters with your prayer on. Here are the stats of this weapon:

      • -25 in all defensive stats (Jagex actually mentioned that they are reworking this number)
      • +15 in stab, slash, and crush attack bonus
      • +9 in Magic, and Ranged attack bonus
      • +5 melee strength
      • +2 Ranged strength
      • +5 Prayer bonus

      This is it for the information we currently possess. Keep in mind that this is a proposal and everything is subject to change.

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      Author: Jonah Leffler

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      Views: 6326

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      Author information

      Name: Jonah Leffler

      Birthday: 1997-10-27

      Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

      Phone: +2611128251586

      Job: Mining Supervisor

      Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

      Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.